Weekend Reads: Luda + picture books = pure smile

My BFF Ruth sent me the link to the above video and it literally made my week. Someone should get all the rapper dads and moms together and do a recording of them rapping picture books. As a non-mom, I'd probably still buy it based on how happy this video made me. This weekend is forecast to be beautiful in Boston and the surrounding areas! I hope you guys are planning to get out and about and enjoy the weather!

Beautiful lost photographs of Barcelona (via Mashable) A beautiful lullaby sung by Meryl Streep (via BrainPickings) The Big Little Lies playlist on Spotify is amazing. This post made me miss Puglia (via Style Files)

Do Voter ID laws suppress minority turnout? Yes. (WaPo) GUILTY AS CHARGED (via Boston Magazine) A Girl Scout troop for homeless girls in NYC is pretty darn amazing. (via NYTs)

I'm sort of coveting a shower plant even thought my bathroom is windowless. Thoughts? Science is a fundamental part of America (via Kottke) How to wash your hair (via NYTs)

The Everlane of wine? Interesting. (via Quartz) Japanese Candy Box anyone? ICE CREAM MUSEUM?!?!

People, I led you astray. Girlboss on Netflix was so terrible that I quit after 25ish minutes. yuck. HA, Commuter Barbie (via HuffPo)


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