Weekend Reads: FINALS

Guys. Finals have begun again. YIKES!!!!!!! WISH ME LUCK, I'm back in hibernation mode.

I'm not an architect, but this is pretty terrible. (via Wired) Math problems for English majors (via McSweeney's)  Why Americans smile so much (via the Atlantic) HAHAHA (via the hairpin)

  The Collapse of an American Identity WOW, this was beautifully done. (via NYTs) I love Lucie (the fearless girl scout). (via NYTs) This is a serious abuse of power in NOLA (via the Guardian) Beyond Alt (via NYMag)

Two steps to pasta perfection (via Food52) America's political food: BBQ (NYer)

Salut! (via J Crew) I want these woven loafers. Sephora employees fav picks (via Insider)

I was a Girl Scout and had no idea about this history. #proud (via Mashable)

Little Women! PBS! I'm so excited. (via PBS) What a beautiful poem (via Omnivoracious)

This animated poem... wow.

Hate for Sale from Anna Eijsbouts on Vimeo.

And this pretty, crazy ski video of slo-mo thrown camera shots.


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