What to watch: I Am Not Your Negro

Mom and I went to "the Couch Theater" in Gloucester a few weekends ago to see I Am Not Your Negro, an incredibly effective documentary movie by Raoul Peck, using James Baldwin's texts. Baldwin was an important part of the Civil Rights movement. He was a famous author at the time, an amazing public speaker (I seriously covet his skills), and passionate--he didn't back down when confronted with competing rhetoric, a smart, thoughtful, passionate voice that put a spotlight on the black community and both it's richness and struggle.

I think I know Samuel L. Jackson's voice pretty well, but, he was the narrator and his voice and real clips of James Baldwin interacted so wonderfully that it felt like James Baldwin was talking the entire time. 

I highly, highly recommend this movie. Watch it on Amazon here


And saw this on Facebook which reminded me that I hadn't yet posted the above review!


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