Weekend Reads: Hot and heavy days

Happy Weekend!! Yet another sad week--what is going on with 2016? Is it the insane heat? The air that's heavy with humidity? The general sense that the world is becoming polarized and angry? The fact that so many people are scared and disenfranchised. I'm not sure. I'm looking forward to having some fun with friends, laughing, and celebrating summer all weekend. I hope to get a little salty from the ocean, and catch up on some coursework (!?!?), and cuddle a baby or two. Hope you have a cool glass of something in hand and something to look forward to this weekend!

Some reads:

Alone time in a city (via Cup of Jo) The 5 best TED talks, according to the Head of TED (via Quora) I like seeing stories like this in the news (via NPR) And like this (via Medium)

Looking for some wall art? Check out these free printables from Audubon! (via Design Sponge)

Winona = cool forever. (via NYTs) Finding the Nike Holy Grail (via Popular Mechanics) RED  Making a Murdered is coming back!!!!! (via Buzzfeed) Jack Ma is so smart. I loved his attitude in the excerpts from an interview in this video (via World Economic Forum

This is hilarious. (Thank you CoJ) ALERT: Dog and Baby napping / friendship pics (via Buzzfeed) SNL goes to the RNC (via Dailybeast)

This is my ultimate love story. (Buzzfeed) Collecting editions of The Catcher in the Rye (via Buzzfeed) Margaret Atwood on The Handmaid's Tail in today's world (via LitHub)

What kitchen equipment would you bring to a vacation rental? (via the Kitchn)


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