Margin Notes: Warsan Shire

On to another Poet. Warsan Shire. I found out about her because Lemonade, Beyonce's visual album, uses her poetry as spoken word throughout. A new poet?! Thanks Queen Bey! Guys... Poetry is all around us.

She reads her poem "For Women Who Are Difficult To Love" in the video below, so beautifully. And the music in the background made it almost like a song, but it doesn't quite turn into a song. She does refer to the poem as Lyrics in the page notes, though.

Warsan Shire - "For Women Who Are Difficult To Love" from MovingOn on Vimeo.

For me, these lines particularly were so spare and beautiful--hurt and knowing and just... really really good. 

but even when sleeping you could feel
him travelling away from you in his dreams
so what did you want to do love
split his head open?
you can’t make homes out of human beings

someone should have already told you that

And she's officially added to my "to read" list... 

Another article about her via LitHub


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