Weekend Reads: Pencils Sharpened (aka battery pack charged)

Well, school starts for me next week and I'm hustling and bustling to get everything done in time so I can take a week off of work (while still checking emails!) and be fully present for all of the classes and new people I'm about to meet. I ordered a new notebook, some pens, I have a packet of mints all picked out for my purse. I'm getting a haircut on Saturday and need to pick out my first day of school outfit... EEEK. I forget how to do all of this stuff! I have a nervous flutter. I'm excited, but nervous, but excited. Wish me LUCK! I need it!

These dahlias are gorgeous (via Sacramento Street)

Nerding out with POTUS (via Wired) These books are really beautifully designed--I might get The Joy Luck Club to add to my collection. (via Penguin Random House) And these book covers... like jewelry for your bookshelf (via Cup of Jo)

A city of Women (via NYer) Thank you notes to Michelle Obama (via NYTs) I'm making time to read this long-read this weekend (via WaPo) Zadie Smith, by Jeffrey Eugendis (via NYT Mag)

The history behind jack-o-lanterns (via Food52) I love egg in a hole. This is a dare. (via Food52) 

Hehehe, the girl who disappeared after leaving a group chat (via TMR)

What an amazing essay about a wonderful family (via NYTs)

The United States of Music (via Brooklyn Magazine)

And #TrumpBookReport was tragic comedy, but it did make me laugh.


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