Weekend Reads: Labor Day

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Happy Labor Day Weekend! I hope you have a good book and a comfy outdoor chair to sit in while reading it. 


How to become a Book Worm

The boy band break-up. Hilarious. (via Man Repeller)

Gary Clark Jr, the musical schizophrenic

8 tips to be a good host (via Domino)

The name change back to Denali is a great story, here are a few more Native American names for US landmarks (via The Smithsonian)

The immigration crisis is real--particularly for those fleeing Syria. Immigration is a big deal around the world--Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. This article from the Economist gives an interesting perspective on European immigration. I found this particularly enlightening: "People who cross deserts and stormy seas to get to Europe are unlikely to be slackers when they arrive. On the contrary, studies find that immigrants around the world are more likely to start businesses than the native-born and less likely to commit serious crimes, and that they are net contributors to the public purse. The fear that they will poach jobs or drag down local wages is also misplaced. Because they bring complementary skills, ideas and connections, they tend to raise the wages of the native-born overall, though they may slightly reduce those of unskilled local men. And the migrants themselves benefit enormously. By moving to Europe, with its predictable laws and efficient companies, they can become several times more productive, and their wages rise accordingly." Icelanders are pretty inspiring about immigration (per usual) (via PBS)

Google has a new logo. And I kinda like it.

Instagram rules. YES. (via Vogue)

Netflix is getting into the movie production game, and it's going to change everything. "There’s no theatrical revenue expectation in our business model on any movie..." (via Variety) Also, everyone seems to be talking about Narcos... have you seen it?

Life of a chef.

The history of punctuation (via BBC)

Sorry for apologizing dorky and awesome analysis of apologies (via a friend on Facebook)

Disaster planning is my nightmare. I couldn't make it the whole way through this piece on MOMs (maximum of maximums, the craziest disasters you can imagine), but man, it was interesting.

Interesting article about the right to vote in America (via New York Times)

Open source science, seems like a no-brainer, but this scientist is making waves with the approach (via Boston Magazine)


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