Big Screen: American Sniper

I saw American Sniper with my friend Megan last weekend. WHOA. It really blew me away. And Bradley Cooper just keeps getting better. He's one of the best actors out there right now, if you ask me.

I know this movie has been controversial--there's a legal battle going on that has to do with the movie and some think it might influence the jury pool; some people say it portrays Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper's character) in too positive a manner; some people say the fake baby is weird (ok, maybe I'm not paying enough attention, but I did not notice it...); some people say it isn't loyal to the book. To all of this I say, I found the movie really interesting and compelling. As a Massachusetts born and bred liberal, I don't know many people like the Kyles. It was such an interesting peek into the life of someone who is so patriotic, who was so brave, who really believes in God, then country, then family. I couldn't believe how patriotic and brave the soldiers were in this movie, it really moved me and opened my eyes to an America I don't interact with on a daily basis. It made me think, and I love movies that make me think.


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